Hair Nets
Wholesale Hair Nets
Our Hair nets are some of the best quality you can buy in the UK. We have 3 main colours of hair net: black, brown and blonde, with other colours coming and going with demand. Our range attracts a whole range of buyers from catering companies, salon suppliers and wholesalers. Some of the biggest buyers for our bun nets tend to be equestrian riders, buyers and suppliers who wear their hair in a bun and must have it under control.
As our hair nets are expandable, they fit all head and hair sizes and volume.
What size are your hair nets?
Our wholesale hair nets are one size fits all. They stretch easily to accomodate all head and hair proportions.
What is the difference between a hair net and bun net?
A hair net covers the whole hair and head. These are used to hold hair in place and stop strays.
A bun net is just to cover a bun. They are particularly useful if you need to keep your bun neat and tidy whilst doing any form of sport.
What is the most popular colour of hair net?
The natural brown and black are by far the best sellers. These hair nets are perfectly diguised against natural hair colours. Our wholesale blue hair nets are sold mostly for manufacturing of either food or other factory types. They are easily seen in the hair and so it is easy to tell there is a hair net in someone's hair.